Climb programme for children whose parents have cancer

Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery

When someone they love has cancer


CLIMB is a programme for children aged 5-12 who are experiencing the impact of a cancer diagnosis of the child’s parent, brother or sister, member of extended family or other significant adult. 

CLIMB is run over six weeks and the groups get together in the evenings so as not to disrupt school attendance. It’s an enjoyable, sharing, interactive experience and a time for the children to come together to deal with their feelings. Throughout the programme the children will develop an understanding of cancer and from this understanding the myths and fears that children can hold about cancer will be dispelled. The groups are creative, using drama, arts and play. They are also based on having fun together and meeting new friends. CLIMB stands forChildren’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery.

CLIMB aims to help your child:

  • To understand a cancer diagnosis by providing information on cancer
  • To learn how  to express his or her feelings and emotions
  • To learn how to cope with these feelings
  • To feel part of a social group by making friendships with other children sharing a similar experience
  • To cope with the dramatic changes they are witnessing and experiencing in the home

Climb is provided through different organisations throughout the country such as Tuam Cancer Care, Arc Cancer Centre, a number of schools etc. For a full listing please contact the Irish Cancer Society.

One families story about 8 year old Lucy, who attended the Climb Programme.